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Would I Make A Good Teacher? Teaching Quiz

You'll make the favorite teacher!

You Got: You'll make the favorite teacher!

You would be the favorite teacher who's not strict but won't let everything slide. For example, there would be no phones in the classroom, and students can be a couple minutes late, be dismissed early, given free time, no homework, etc.

You'll make a great teacher!

You Got: You'll make a great teacher!

Trust me, you'll make a good or great teacher even! You'll know the right balance between helpful homework and too much homework, when to work on certain material more, and how to keep the students interested in your class!

You'll make a decent teacher!

You Got: You'll make a decent teacher!

You'll be a decent teacher, not bad, but not good. You're just average. At least you're not a bad teacher, right? Maybe lighten up the homework load, okay?

But I literally said "NO" to homework!!

You're one of the worst teachers!

You Got: You're one of the worst teachers!

Based on your answers to these questions, you're one of the worst teachers out there. But don't be sad; you're not THAT terrible, just pretty bad. If you're considering being a teacher, just be a bit nicer and don't expect so much from your students.

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