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Which "Twilight" Character Are You? Quiz

Isabella "Bella" Cullen

You Got: Isabella "Bella" Cullen

You embody Bella's compassionate spirit and unwavering belief in love. Your selflessness and courage shine through, especially when it comes to protecting those you cherish.

Edward Cullen

You Got: Edward Cullen

Much like Edward, you're deeply emotional and fiercely protective. Your gentle nature and moral compass guide you, and you value understanding and respecting the feelings of others.

Jacob Black

You Got: Jacob Black

Loyal to the core, you share Jacob's passion and raw strength. Your dedication to friends and family is unwavering, and you face challenges with all you've got, showing both fervor and fidelity.

Carlisle Cullen

You Got: Carlisle Cullen

As Carlisle, you're a beacon of reason and kindness. Your wisdom and empathy help you mediate and make thoughtful decisions, often taking on the role of a healer and a peacemaker.

Alice Cullen

You Got: Alice Cullen

With Alice's foresight and flair for fashion, you're the life of the party. Your optimistic and adventurous approach to life makes you a trendsetter, always ready to embrace the new.

Emmett Cullen

You Got: Emmett Cullen

Like Emmett, you're strong and love a good challenge. Your humor and protective side endear you to others, and you approach life with an infectious enthusiasm and a never-say-die attitude.

Rosalie Hale

You Got: Rosalie Hale

Egotistical at first glance, you're on a journey of self-discovery, much like Rosalie. You've learned to extend love and value to others, showing growth and a willingness to adapt.

Jasper Hale

You Got: Jasper Hale

Combining order with charm, you're a natural leader like Jasper. Your strategic mind and calm demeanor make you a pillar of strength, always ready to offer guidance and protection.

Aro Volturi

You Got: Aro Volturi

As Aro, you're a force to be reckoned with, driven by ambition and power. Your abilities to read minds and manipulate emotions make you a master influencer, always a step ahead.

Jane Volturi

You Got: Jane Volturi

Cruel and unwavering, you share Jane's ruthless efficiency. Your loyalty to your 'family' and your capacity for inflicting pain make you a formidable warrior, always resolute in battle.


You Got: Victoria

Cunning and resilient, you're Victoria's equal in your pursuit of power. Your intelligence and ability to recover from setbacks quickly make you a tenacious and resourceful adversary.

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