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Which Tom And Jerry Character Are You? Quiz


You Got: Tom

You are Tom! You are ambitious, smart, and determined. You may face setbacks, but you always stay optimistic and don't let them get you down.


You Got: Jerry

You are Jerry! You are quick-witted, resourceful, and cunning. You always find a way to outsmart and defeat others, especially when it comes to food.


You Got: Spike

You are Spike! You are loyal, secure, and protective. You are fearless and determined, always looking out for your loved ones.


You Got: Tyke

You are Tyke! You are innocent, mischievous, and lovable. You have a curiosity about the world and enjoy exploring it.


You Got: Nibbles

You are Nibbles! You may be small and clumsy, but you are innocent and lovable. You always inspire protection and often assist others in their endeavors.

Toodles galore

You Got: Toodles galore

You are Toodles Galore! You are playful, coquettish, and seductive. You use your charm and appeal to gain a better life for yourself.

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