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Quiz: Which Disney Pixar Character Are You?


The following test requires you to get creative and assume that you are playing an RPG game, so you need to be able to make decisions! Please read the questions carefully and answer truthfully.

If you need to choose a predefined character before the start of the game, which one would you prefer?

The following test requires you to get creative and assume that you are playing an RPG game, so you need to be able to make decisions! Please read the questions carefully and answer truthfully.

The appearance is gorgeous; the equipment is ordinary; the skills are average

The appearance is plain; the equipment is average; the skills are outstanding

The appearance is shabby; the equipment is rare; the skills are average


Which game mode do you prefer:

Which game mode do you prefer:

Single player mode

Two-player mode

Multiplayer mode


What is your preferred start location?

What is your preferred start location?

The wintry snow mountain

The sunny grassland

The dark dungeon

The town of terror


If you had to communicate with other characters in the game, you would:

If you had to communicate with other characters in the game, you would:

Not communicate unless it is absolutely necessary

Speak with the predefined character texts

Talk through the microphone


To start the game, you need to go to a certain place to load the next map. You will choose which of the following places:

To start the game, you need to go to a certain place to load the next map. You will choose which of the following places:

Uninhabited desert

Beautiful park

Crowded market


You get to the new level. How do you pass it?

You get to the new level. How do you pass it?

Pass it as fast as possible

Look up the level guide on the internet

Take your time and explore everything


You stumble on an entrance to a hidden level. You will:

You stumble on an entrance to a hidden level. You will:

Complete the main quest first

Remember the hidden entrance and come back to it later

Enter the hidden level and forget the main quest


You stumble on rare equipment but your backpack is full. Which of your equipment would you get rid of?

You stumble on rare equipment but your backpack is full. Which of your equipment would you get rid of?

Rare armor that doesn't fit your character's traits

Average weapon that you cannot use because of your low level

Worn sheepskin boots with a 10% increase to speed


You are offered a bonus level. You can decline, but if you decide to proceed and lose, then you must redo the entire level. What will you do?

You are offered a bonus level. You can decline, but if you decide to proceed and lose, then you must redo the entire level. What will you do?

I'll just try my luck. I can always redo the entire level

Too much risk. I won't go in

I will go in and take a look. If it's too hard, I will just leave


There are three ways to get to the next level. Which one would you choose?

There are three ways to get to the next level. Which one would you choose?

Take the longer road and explore the loot on the way

Take the cable car to get there fast

Jump in a boat and just swim to the desired location


At the beginning of the next level, an elf appears. The game suggests it wants to be your companion.

At the beginning of the next level, an elf appears. The game suggests it wants to be your companion.

Great! I no longer have to be alone

Have it demonstrate its skills first

I don't need a companion! I'm a lone wolf


If you accidentally close your game and lose level progress, you will:

If you accidentally close your game and lose level progress, you will:

Pass it as quickly as possible again

Play it slow and explore all of the loot

Abandon that level


You get a bonus that allows you to skip the next level. You would:

You get a bonus that allows you to skip the next level. You would:

Use it! I want to finish the game as fast as possible!

Save it for use in the future

Never use it!


The new level requires you to cooperate with your teammates, but you find that your teammates are beginners and can hardly play. You will:

The new level requires you to cooperate with your teammates, but you find that your teammates are beginners and can hardly play. You will:

Ask them to stay behind so I protect them

Let them fend for themselves

Be patient and teach them the game.


You have come to the end of the level, but your teammates are far away. You will:

You have come to the end of the level, but your teammates are far away. You will:

Instantly load the next level. I don't care for the teammates

Ask them to hurry up!

I am a team player, so I will wait for them


You've been stuck at the same level for quite some time. What will you do?

You've been stuck at the same level for quite some time. What will you do?

Just abandon the game

Buy a subscription and just skip the level

Be patient and get through the game


You finished the level but you've noticed that you haven't explored all of the map. You will:

You finished the level but you've noticed that you haven't explored all of the map. You will:

Load the level again and explore everything

Come back to the level at a later time

Who cares? Just load the next level


You pick up a new weapon but it has a long description. What will you do?

You pick up a new weapon but it has a long description. What will you do?

I don't care about the description, I only care about the weapon stats!

Read it only if it is absolutely necessary

Read the description


You are facing the final boss of the game! What would be your strategy?

You are facing the final boss of the game! What would be your strategy?

Use two tanks to mitigate damage while you blast the boss from a distance

Use a single tank and two mages to freeze the boss with frost spells

Use two mages and a single assassin to strike from the shadows