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Which Lost You Forever 2 Character Are You Most Like?


How would you react if someone was unfriendly to your friend at a party?

Stand up for your friend.

Privately remind your friend to be cautious.

Leave the party and ignore it.

Respond with humor or sarcasm.


How would you respond if you discovered an ancient manuscript during an adventure?

Study it carefully and attempt to practice its teachings.

Safely store it away and keep it private.

Seek guidance from experts to understand the secrets within.

Consider it ominous and destroy it immediately.


How would you handle meeting an enthusiastic fortune teller at a market?

Have your fortune told by the fortune teller.

Politely decline, not putting faith in destiny.

Engage in conversation with the fortune teller to learn more.

Regard the fortune teller as a scam artist and walk away.


What would you do if you frequently dream of a mysterious place?

Search for the location in your dreams to uncover its existence.

Think it's just a dream.

Keep a dream journal and attempt to interpret hidden meanings.

Seek a dream interpreter to understand the significance of the dreams.


If lost in a forest and discovering a hidden path, what would you do?

Follow the path hoping it leads to an exit.

Stay put and wait for help.

Survey the surroundings for alternative routes.

Leave signs or messages and continue moving forward.


If you had the chance to choose a spiritual pet in a world of immortal cultivation, you might select:

A fierce spiritual tiger as a battle companion.

A clever spiritual fox symbolizing wisdom.

A gentle spiritual deer serving as a healing assistant.

A mysterious spiritual bird guiding exploration.


How would you handle encountering bad weather during a journey?

Seek shelter and wait for an improvement in weather.

Take advantage of the bad weather to capture unique photos.

Continue the journey and enjoy the challenge of nature.

Adjust plans and look for indoor activities.