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Which Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Character Are You? Quiz


You Got: Noa!

You're a natural leader and have a strong sense of determination. Just like Noa, you have a charismatic presence and the ability to inspire others.

Proximus Caesar!

You Got: Proximus Caesar!

You're a powerful and authoritative individual who commands attention wherever you go. Like Proximus Caesar, you have a commanding presence and a natural ability to take charge.


You Got: Raka!

You're a wise and loyal friend who always has a calming presence. Just like Raka, you have a nurturing and supportive nature, and you're always there for those who need you.


You Got: Mae!

You're a compassionate and adventurous individual who is always up for a new challenge. Like Mae, you have a kind and nurturing spirit, and you're always willing to lend a helping hand.

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