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Which Genshin Impact Vision Are You? Quiz

Pyro (Fire)

You Got: Pyro (Fire)

You possess a fiery passion, exuding liveliness and acting impulsively based on your emotions.

Hydro (Water)

You Got: Hydro (Water)

Graceful, aristocratic, and sophisticated, you embody elegance in every mannerism. You handle situations with ease, valuing harmony and balance in all aspects of life.

Anemo (Wind)

You Got: Anemo (Wind)

Free-spirited and adaptable, you thrive on new adventures. Your words carry weight, and you excel at communicating your thoughts and feelings. Surrounded by people, you make friends easily.

Electro (Lightning)

You Got: Electro (Lightning)

Intelligent, quick-witted, and always ready for a challenge, you possess a strong sense of justice. Unafraid to speak your mind, you are also highly curious, constantly seeking new knowledge.

Dendro (Nature)

You Got: Dendro (Nature)

Compassionate and morally upright, you have a strong connection to nature, appreciating its beauty and power. Always ready to lend a helping hand, you nurture and care for those in need.

Cyro (Frost)

You Got: Cyro (Frost)

Calm, collected, and unflappable, you possess a strong sense of self-control. Able to maintain focus and composure even in stressful situations, you value tradition, order, and prefer things done in a certain way.

Geo (Earth)

You Got: Geo (Earth)

With unwavering willpower and a strong focus on goals, you are determined and stubborn when pursuing your objectives. Your sense of duty and responsibility is unmatched, willing to put in the necessary hard work to achieve what you desire. Stability and security hold the utmost importance to you.

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