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Which "Emily In Paris" Character You Are?


If you get lost in a forest, what would you do?

Try to find your way by following the direction of the sun.

Look for a water source, hoping to follow it to civilization.

Stay put and wait for rescue.

Make a signal, like starting a fire, to attract attention.


You discover a mysterious mirror in an antique shop. What special ability do you think it has?

It lets you see your future self.

It allows you to talk to deceased relatives.

It grants access to another world inside the mirror.

It's just an ordinary mirror with no special function.


If your shadow suddenly starts moving in the moonlight, what would you do?

Curiously watch the shadow's movements to figure out why.

Feel scared and quickly leave the area.

Try to communicate with the shadow and see if it responds.

Record the moment with your phone and share it on social media.


You find an old bottle at the beach with a treasure map inside. What do you do?

Follow the map's instructions to search for the treasure.

Think it's a prank and leave the bottle where you found it.

Sell the treasure map to a collector.

Donate the bottle and map to a museum.


You find a mysterious package on the bus with no markings. What do you do?

Open it out of curiosity.

Hand it over to the driver or bus staff right away.

Wait for the owner to return; decide later if no one comes.

Take it home and see if anyone contacts you about it.


If you discover a ticket to a mysterious world in a book, what do you do?

Bravely use the ticket to explore the unknown.

Keep the ticket as a souvenir.

Sell the ticket, thinking it might be valuable.

Turn the ticket over to the authorities to handle it.


Your watch suddenly stops and won't restart. What do you do?

Think it's an omen and feel uneasy.

Take it to a repair shop to see if it can be fixed.

Buy a new watch.

Consider the stopped time might have special meaning and start researching it.