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Egyptian Ennead Personality Test


If you were to make a wish in an Egyptian temple, what would you ask the gods for?

Boundless knowledge

Immense power

Timeless youth

The power to heal


Ignoring your current life circumstances, which of the following life philosophies do you prefer?

Minimalism, seeking a simple and stress-free life.

Hedonism, savoring every pleasure life offers.

Striving for success through continuous hard work.

Romanticism, chasing beautiful emotions and experiences.

Pragmatism, focusing on practicality and functionality.


Faced with a sudden opportunity that might involve some risks, what would you do?

Boldly seize the chance, confident in handling any risks.

Weigh the risks and benefits carefully before deciding.

Feel conflicted, not wanting to miss out but also fearing the risks, and seek advice.

Fear the risks are too great and choose to pass on the opportunity.

Be indecisive, thinking it over but struggling to make a decision.


In a team project, your idea is opposed by most people, what would you do?

Stand by your ideas and try to convince the others.

Reconsider your ideas to see if there's room for improvement.

Drop your ideas and follow the group's decision.

Stay silent, not voicing your opinion.

Leave the team, feeling disrespected and unable to collaborate.


Planning a trip with a limited budget, what would you do?

Plan carefully, looking for cost-effective options.

Shorten the trip to save money.

Skip less important sights to cut costs.

Try to borrow money to complete the trip.

Cancel the trip due to insufficient funds.


You come across a controversial topic online, what would you do?

Join the discussion and voice your opinion.

Gather different viewpoints before forming your stance.

Avoid the debate as you see it as pointless.

Stick to viewpoints you agree with and ignore others.

Skip over such debates as they don't interest you.


You find out your good friend has lied to you, what would you do?

Confront your friend about the lie and demand the truth.

Feel uneasy but respect their right to lie, not exposing them.

Distance yourself from the friend, losing trust in them.

Pretend not to know, continuing the friendship as usual.

Wait for your friend to confess, believing they will eventually come clean.