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Which Detective Conan Character Are You Quiz


If you could travel to a superhero world, which power would you prefer?

If you could travel to a superhero world, which power would you prefer?

A hero who can change their appearance at will

A hero with super speed and agility in combat

A hero with a strong muscular build and incredible strength

A hero with strong telekinetic or psychic attack abilities


What type of games do you like the most?

What type of games do you like the most?

RPG games

Multiplayer games

Strategy games

Simulator games


If you were a lawyer, whom would you pick as a client?

If you were a lawyer, whom would you pick as a client?

A girl accused by her uncle of killing her parents

A pregnant woman who killed her husband due to domestic violence

A scientist who fired a lazy employee who later committed suicide

A college student who killed his best friend by mistake


If you could enter a game world, which would you prefer?

If you could enter a game world, which would you prefer?

A court intrigue full of scheming and betrayal

The experience of life within the British royal family

The chivalrous pleasures and vendettas of martial arts

An adventure on a mysterious unknown planet


What will you bring with you to a "72 Hours of Train Without a Cell Phone" event?

What will you bring with you to a "72 Hours of Train Without a Cell Phone" event?

Your best friend

A few books

Playing cards

Enough snacks


Which magic pet would you choose?

Which magic pet would you choose?

Invisible bat

Flying rabbit

Fighting eagle

Talking dog


You have been assigned an urgent task at work. What would most likely make you fail?

You have been assigned an urgent task at work. What would most likely make you fail?

A broken AC unit

Colleagues chatting loudly

Poor internet connection

Lack of coffee and energy drinks