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Which Black Butler Character Are You Most Like?


How concerned are you with your appearance and clothing?

Very concerned, as I see it as a means to showcase myself.

Somewhat concerned, but I prioritize inner qualities and virtues.

Not very concerned, comfort is what matters most.

Not concerned at all, my focus is on other aspects.


What kind of ability would you wish to have?

Exceptional wisdom and insight to understand people's hearts.

Strong power and combat skills to protect oneself and others.

Excellent cooking and craftsmanship to bring warmth and comfort.

Magical powers and abilities to solve various problems.


What is your attitude towards food?

A discerning foodie, always chasing the perfect flavor.

A voracious eater, always tempted by delicious dishes.

A health-focused diner, mindful of a balanced diet.

A casual food lover, enjoying whatever comes my way.


What is the most indispensable thing in your room?

A good book or notebook

An interesting electronic product

A comfortable bed or sofa

A collection of your favorite items


What is your shopping style like?

A rational shopper, only buying what I truly need.

An impulsive buyer, always getting what I like on sight.

A savvy spender, always looking for deals and discounts.

The joy of shopping is in browsing and discovering new things.


What is your attitude towards learning new skills?

Enthusiastic learner, always eager to challenge myself.

Interested but impatient, often giving up halfway.

A practical learner, only picking up skills that are useful to me.

Go with the flow, not deliberately seeking to learn new skills.


What type of books do you prefer?

Mystery novels, enjoying the process of solving puzzles.

Literary classics, appreciating elegant language and profound thoughts.

Science books, loving to explore the unknown world.

Comics or novels, enjoying a relaxed and delightful reading experience.


Which type of personality do you think you have?

Calm and rational, good at analyzing and solving problems.

Emotional and romantic, always seeking feelings and aesthetics.

Optimistic and cheerful, always able to maintain a positive attitude.

Deep and reserved, enjoying solitary thinking and reflection.


How efficiently do you use your time?

I use time efficiently, able to arrange work and life well.

I sometimes waste time, but overall, I'm quite efficient.

I get easily distracted, so my time usage isn't very efficient.

I enjoy a leisurely life and don't mind time slipping away.