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Which Black Butler Character Are You? Quiz

Sebastian Michaelis / セバスチャン・ミカエリス

You Got: Sebastian Michaelis / セバスチャン・ミカエリス

You embody the grace and poise of Sebastian, a butler par excellence. With an unflappable calm and exceptional skills, you tackle challenges with finesse. Your temperament is serene, and your pursuit of perfection in work is unwavering. You approach difficulties with elegance and intellect, always finding a solution.

Ciel Phantomhive / シエル・ファントムハイヴ

You Got: Ciel Phantomhive / シエル・ファントムハイヴ

Like Ciel, you possess a steadfast spirit and clear vision. You set high standards for yourself and remain undeterred by obstacles. Your intelligence, sense of duty, and commitment to justice mirror Ciel's own, driving you to persevere with courage and determination.

Elizabeth Midford / エリザベス・ミッドフォード

You Got: Elizabeth Midford / エリザベス・ミッドフォード

Your vivacious and cheerful nature brightens the world around you. Generous and warm-hearted, you extend love and care to your friends and family. Like Elizabeth, you're a beacon of warmth and joy, spreading happiness wherever you go.

Angelina Dalles / アンジェリーナ・ダレス

You Got: Angelina Dalles / アンジェリーナ・ダレス

You have a rich inner life, appearing gentle on the surface but harboring a complex and mysterious depth. Your emotions run deep, and you may go to great lengths for certain causes. Your layered personality resonates with the intricacies of Angelina's character.

Mey-Rin / メイリン

You Got: Mey-Rin / メイリン

Loyal and kind-hearted, you may seem a bit flustered at times, but your dedication and responsibility in work are unwavering. You care deeply for your loved ones, making you as reliable and trustworthy as Mey-Rin.

Agni / アグニ

You Got: Agni / アグニ

Your uprightness and kindness shine through in all your interactions. You maintain a sincere and enthusiastic spirit, embracing simplicity and innocence in a complex world. Like Agni, you approach life with a pure and genuine heart.

Grelle Sutcliff / グレル・サトクリフ

You Got: Grelle Sutcliff / グレル・サトクリフ

Your personality has a twist of the unconventional and a penchant for the bizarre. You thrive on excitement and adventure, with a fascination for the darker aspects of human nature. This makes you akin to Grelle, with a taste for the macabre.

William T. Spears / ウィリアム・T・スピアーズ

You Got: William T. Spears / ウィリアム・T・スピアーズ

Your rationality and discipline define you as a strong and decisive individual. You adhere to rules and hold yourself and others to high standards. Like William, you remain composed and logical in any situation, embodying the qualities of a dependable leader.

Angela Brown / アンジェラ・ブラウン

You Got: Angela Brown / アンジェラ・ブラウン

Though you appear gentle and benevolent, you conceal a hidden complexity. You carry untold secrets and experiences, often veiling your true intentions behind an angelic facade. This duality aligns you closely with Angela's enigmatic character.

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