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What's Your Retirement Personality?


Your favorite TV show is on, but it's also your overtime hour:

Watch it after work

Call in sick to watch it

Sneak peeks at the office

Pull an all-nighter after work


You won a ticket to your dream destination, but it clashes with a big project deadline:

Cancel the trip, work comes first

Try to reschedule the project to go

Go on the trip without a second thought

Give the ticket to a friend


Your colleague announces early retirement to travel the world:

Jealous, wish it were me

Skeptical, wondering if they saved enough

Dismissive, work is what makes life real

Curious, ask how they managed it


Your boss suddenly tells you that you're retiring:

Feel lost and disheartened

A bit shocked, but start planning your retirement

Refuse to accept it, insist on keeping working

Begin looking for a new job


You found out your job can be done from home:

Great, now I can work while traveling

Might cut down hours, plan retirement more flexibly

Stick to the office, I like my routine

Worried remote work will mess with my retirement plans


What's the first thing you'd do after retirement?

Pick up a new hobby or learn a new skill

Spend more time with family and friends

Keep working, but in a more relaxed role

Move to a new city or country


If you had a paid month off right now, you would:

Start traveling the world

Take a week off, then get back to work

Use the time to learn new skills

Do volunteer work


You realize your savings are enough for a comfy retirement:

Retire right away and enjoy life

Keep working, aim for financial independence

Take up part-time work, stay socially connected

Invest and start a business


You see retirees playing chess leisurely in the park:

That's the life I want

No way, I'm not retiring that early

I'd rather be busy at work than playing chess

Think about joining them