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What's Your Perfect Pet?pet quiz


How active are you?

Highly active

Moderately active

Prefer a more relaxed lifestyle


How much time can you spend on taking care of pets?

I have enough time for my pet.

I have limited time.


Do you have any allergies to animal fur?

No allergies

Manageable mild allergies

Severe allergies


What's your living space like?

Large house with yard

Apartment or smaller living space

Limited space, like a dorm


How much interaction do you want from your pet?

I want a pet that is always with me.

I like some interaction but also value independence.

I prefer a low-interaction pet.


Are you ready for a long-term pet commitment?

Ready for life-long commitment

Open to long-term commitment with flexibility

Seeking shorter-term or low-maintenance pet


What's your preference for pet size?

Prefer larger pets

Open to pets of any size

Prefer smaller pets


What's your training preference?

Do professional training

Do appropriate training

No training


What's your pet care budget?

Generous budget

Moderate budget

Limited budget