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What Kind of Music Instrument Are You? Quiz

The flute

You Got: The flute

The flute is the voice of the wind. Its sound can be light, playful, and joyful.Like the flute, you are full of optimism and happiness. You can brighten up any situation with your humor and charm. You are also adventurous and curious, always ready to explore new things.

The cello

You Got: The cello

The cello is the heart of a string quartet. Its sound can be rich, mellow, and comforting.Like the cello, you are compassionate and caring. You can offer support and comfort to those who are in need. You are also loyal and reliable, always there for your friends and family.

The trumpet

You Got: The trumpet

The trumpet is the leader of a brass band. Its sound can be loud, bold, and impressive. Like the trumpet, you are confident and ambitious. You can inspire and motivate others with your vision and charisma. You are also courageous and decisive, always ready to take action and face challenges.

The harp

You Got: The harp

The harp is the angel of a symphony orchestra. Its sound can be soft, elegant, and heavenly. Like the harp, you are refined and cultured. You can appreciate and create beauty with your taste and talent. You are also humble and kind, always willing to help and share with others.

The clarinet

You Got: The clarinet

The clarinet is the soul of a jazz band. Its sound can be smooth, expressive, and captivating.Like the clarinet, you are creative and versatile. You can improvise and adapt to any situation with your skill and wit. You are also charismatic and intriguing, always able to attract and fascinate others.

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