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The Toxic Person Test: Am I Toxic? Quiz

The Mansplainer

You Got: The Mansplainer

You have a high level of arrogance, which means you think you know better than everyone else. You are confident, assertive, and knowledgeable. You like to share your opinions and expertise, but you also tend to dismiss or interrupt others. You often assume that you are right and others are wrong, and you are not open to feedback or criticism. You are a know-it-all.

The Drama Llama

You Got: The Drama Llama

You have a high level of drama, which means you crave attention and excitement. You are expressive, emotional, and creative. You like to share your feelings and experiences, but you also tend to exaggerate or embellish them. You often create or escalate conflicts and problems, and you are not good at resolving them. You are a drama queen (or king).

The Karen

You Got: The Karen

You have a high level of entitlement, which means you expect special treatment and privileges. You are ambitious, assertive, and confident. You like to get what you want and deserve, but you also tend to be demanding and aggressive. You often complain or argue when things don't go your way, and you are not respectful or considerate of others. You are a troublemaker.

The Slacker

You Got: The Slacker

You have a high level of laziness, which means you avoid work and responsibility. You are relaxed, easygoing, and laid-back. You like to have fun and enjoy life, but you also tend to procrastinate and neglect your duties. You often rely on others to do your part, and you are not accountable or reliable. You are a freeloader.

The Con Artist

You Got: The Con Artist

You have a high level of manipulation, which means you use deception and dishonesty to get ahead. You are cunning, charming, and persuasive. You like to influence and impress others, but you also tend to lie, cheat, or exploit them. You often have hidden agendas and ulterior motives, and you are not loyal or trustworthy. You are a fraud.

The Debbie Downer

You Got: The Debbie Downer

You have a high level of negativity, which means you see the worst in everything and everyone. You are realistic, cautious, and analytical. You like to be prepared and informed, but you also tend to be pessimistic and cynical. You often focus on the problems and risks, and you are not optimistic or hopeful. You are a buzzkill.

The Control Freak

You Got: The Control Freak

You have a high level of rigidity, which means you try to impose your own inflexible ideas about right and wrong. You are organized, disciplined, and principled. You like to follow rules and standards, but you also tend to be stubborn and intolerant. You often judge or criticize others who don't meet your expectations, and you are not flexible or adaptable. You are a dictator.

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