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How many details do you know about the Genshin Impact?

You know a lot of details of this game

You know a lot of details of this game

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Congratulations, you answered most of questions correctly. Well done. You know a lot of details about this game. If you are interested in games or other topics, you could go through our website for other quizzes. We also make great online games. Please enjoy your time on our website.

You still miss a lot of details of this game.

You still miss a lot of details of this game.

You got 0 / 15 on this quiz.

You answered more than half of the questions correctly, however, you still miss a lot of details about this game. If you are interested in games or other topics, you could go through our website for other quizzes. We also make great online games. Please enjoy your time on our website.

You did not pay attention to the details of this game.

You did not pay attention to the details of this game.

You got 0 / 15 on this quiz.

You answered only a few questions correctly. Maybe you did not pay attention to the details of the game so much. If you are interested in games or other topics, you could go through our website for other quizzes. We also make great online games. Please enjoy your time on our website.

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