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The Green Line Theory has gained popularity on TikTok and involves couples drawing a green line on their photo to examine their relationship. The theory suggests that the person who leans towards the other has more power in the relationship. If neither partner leans, the relationship is considered long-lasting, but if the woman leans in, the relationship may have occasional issues, and if the man leans in, the relationship is believed to be doomed. Our Green Line test offers an entertaining way to explore this theory by analyzing celebrity couples' relationships through their photos. It's an interactive experience that not only helps you understand relationships better but also provides insight into some of your favorite celebrity couples' dynamics. Try our Green Line test now and discover what the green lines mean for relationships! This test is for entertainment purposes only, please do not take it seriously.
Despite its initial appeal, the Green Line Theory lacks sufficient evidence to support its validity. Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh, an expert in mental wellness and relationships, has commented on the theory, saying, "This is not a reliable theory. Your partner leaning towards you does not indicate weakness. Today, we strive for equality in relationships, and women encourage men to express their emotions. Photos, particularly of celebrities, are often posed. While body language can reveal insights into relationship dynamics, one photograph is not definitive. As the relationship expert notes, this theory cannot accurately determine a couple's dynamics. For instance, many taller men will lean towards their partners to bridge the height gap, and this does not necessarily reflect a power dynamic in the relationship.