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Career personality test

Jobs related to scientific research

You Got: Jobs related to scientific research

Your logical thinking inclination towards the origin is reflected by the proposition you select. Exploring the nature of things is something you may enjoy, and typically you begin contemplating the entire concept from its original point. Understanding the entirety of something requires a starting point. When you come across something intriguing, you are eager to delve deeper into its origins or the individuals involved in its creation. As a result, you may be well-suited for careers in scientific research.

Jobs that involve a high level of creativity

You Got: Jobs that involve a high level of creativity

Selecting this proposition indicates that you may tend to engage in overgeneralization when thinking, potentially resulting in premature and subjective conclusions. However, you may also exhibit a heightened level of attention toward topics that pique your interest. As such, careers that require a significant degree of creativity, such as advertising, design, and art or music, may be well-suited to your strengths.

Administrative or office-based jobs

You Got: Administrative or office-based jobs

The proposition you select can suggest that you have a tendency towards concise and summarized logical thinking. You prioritize paying careful attention to the outcomes of your work. In the process of learning, you tend to be more passive, absorbing information without asking many questions. Therefore, administrative or office-based jobs may be well-suited to your work style.

Jobs that prioritize good memory over creative tasks.

You Got: Jobs that prioritize good memory over creative tasks.

If you choose this proposition, it may imply that you tend to think in a single direction, which could suggest that you may struggle with thinking from multiple perspectives or opposing viewpoints. Consequently, you may have a propensity for inflexibility and diminished creativity. Hence, job roles that emphasize exceptional memory abilities rather than innovative thinking may be more fitting for you.

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