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Abandonment Issues Quiz: Do You Have Abandonment Issues?


Which one sounds like something you'd like to keep your friends or family happy about?

Which one sounds like something you'd like to keep your friends or family happy about?

Try to be there when they need me

Change my attitude and be the one they love

Always telling the truth no matter what

I think they wouldn't be happy no matter what I do.


How would you feel if a toxic partner abandoned you and ended the relationship?

How would you feel if a toxic partner abandoned you and ended the relationship?

I'd feel fine because they were toxic anyway

I'd feel broken and unlovable regardless

I would never be able to trust others

I think I'm used to it, and I'd feel numb


What are you insecure about?

What are you insecure about?

I don't think I'm insecure.

About my appearance and personality

About my capabilities and skills

About my current relationship or partner


How easy is it for you to trust others, especially in romantic relationships?

How easy is it for you to trust others, especially in romantic relationships?

It's usually easy

It's quite challenging

It's nearly impossible

I trust easily. But my partner never trusts me.


Have you ever abandoned a relationship because you were too afraid of losing that person in the future?

Have you ever abandoned a relationship because you were too afraid of losing that person in the future?

No, that doesn't make any sense

Yes, I've done that

No, but I think people would do that to me

No, but someone did that to me


How easy is it for you to show your vulnerable and insecure side to your lover?

How easy is it for you to show your vulnerable and insecure side to your lover?

I'd say it's somewhat easy (but it depends)

I can never show my imperfections to others

I feel like people might turn against me if I do that

It's easy for me. But my partner is always secretive and private.


How often do you feel like you're unlovable?

How often do you feel like you're unlovable?

Rarely or never

All the time, because I AM


Someone told me I'm unlovable. So…


Have you ever tried to fix a toxic relationship because you were afraid of a breakup?

Have you ever tried to fix a toxic relationship because you were afraid of a breakup?

No, I don't do that

Yes, I cling to my relationships

No, I usually run away as soon as I see a red flag

No, but someone wanted me to do that


Which one sounds like the way your parents treated you?

Which one sounds like the way your parents treated you?

With respect (mostly)

They never cared for me

They lied to me about everything

They made me feel like I was unlovable


What was your parents' reaction when you needed them emotionally?

What was your parents' reaction when you needed them emotionally?

They were always there for me

They left me alone and ignored me

They thought I was lying

They humiliated me


Do you think it's pointless and stupid to show your true feelings to others?

Do you think it's pointless and stupid to show your true feelings to others?

No, you should always express yourself

Yes, no one cares anyway

Yes, no one believes you anyway

Someone told me that I shouldn't express my feelings.


How much do you love yourself? Give an honest answer.

How much do you love yourself? Give an honest answer.

I love and respect myself a lot

I'm not worthy of love or attention

I think self-love is just a lie

I used to love myself more


How quickly do you start a new relationship after a breakup?

How quickly do you start a new relationship after a breakup?

It takes me some time to do that


It's almost impossible for me to move on

It takes some time for me. But my ex moved on immediately.


Have you ever felt like you could not live without your partner?

Have you ever felt like you could not live without your partner?

No, that's not a healthy thought

Yes, it happens with all my relationships

Yes, but I never let others know

No, but my partner feels that way


"It's smart not to rely on people because it would hurt less when they're gone." Do you agree with that?

"It's smart not to rely on people because it would hurt less when they're gone." Do you agree with that?

No, that's a toxic attitude.

Yes, that's my strategy.

I think it makes sense

No, but someone I know thinks that way


Did you go through a loss as a kid?

Did you go through a loss as a kid?

No, I didn't experience that

Yes, I lost a loved one

No, but I was afraid of losing my loved ones

No, but my parents manipulated me with the fear of losing them


Did your parents get a divorce when you were a kid?

Did your parents get a divorce when you were a kid?



They didn't. But they were always fighting

They divorced when I was young/adult


Which one describes your feeling towards your parents?

Which one describes your feeling towards your parents?

I love them

I don't think they love me

I don't trust them

Our relationship is complicated


How easy is it for you to ask for someone's help when you're emotionally in pain?

How easy is it for you to ask for someone's help when you're emotionally in pain?

It's fairly easy

It's challenging

It's impossible

It used to be easier